Children are precious to God, to their parents and to us and they are the next generation. Therefore, We believe in providing a safe environment where children can enjoy learning about God, Who loves them very much and how they can learn to love Him, their families and others around them.
Newborn - 3 Years Old
Available on Sunday Mornings & Nights
If you have a precious crawler, walker or runner, you can rest assured that they will be safe in our nurseries. You little ones can look forward to napping, playing and making new friends while under the watchful eye, and love care of our team of workers, so that you can enjoy the classes and services.

4 - 5 Years of Age
Available on Sunday Mornings
Our K4-K5 students will enjoy fun Bible songs, amazing Bible stories to tell their parents, exciting crafts to bring home, and verses to learn from the Bible. Exciting teachers are awaiting their arrival so they can share Who Jesus is! The kindergarten class meets on Sunday Mornings at 10am and 11am.
1ST - 3RD
Available on Sunday Mornings
On Sundays at 10am our 1st - 3rd grade children start off in their own class. Where they will sing songs, play games, hear a Bible lesson, and make an occasional craft. At 11am, they combine with the kindergarten class for an exciting Children's church program.

4TH - 6TH
Available on Sunday Mornings
Our 4th - 6th class meet on Sunday mornings at 10am and have a Junior Church at 11am. In this class, they will be challenged to memorize scripture, deepen their understanding of the accounts and truths found in the scriptures, learn new songs, and play some games.
For Children Ages 4 years - 6th Grade